Going Forward, you can submit this for Marketplace Manager Escalations so that either Cory, Jen, Sue or Myself can process a refund in a timely manner as its highly likely the order will not ship and we can successfully cancel these in most cases with our vendors.

1. It is highly likely (with about 90%) of these orders are on back order, our SLA is to ensure that we ship orders no later than 48 hours, by the time the customer contacts us about these orders YOU MUST MOVE QUICKLY TO CANCEL the order.

2. CANCEL ITEM PENDING SHIPMENT ORDERS - If the order has not shipped after 48 hours we are out of SLA and the order is at risk of a Claim filing against the order. While some customers may want a status/tracking, we should realize the order has long failed SLA therefore by the time we are contacted, YOU should take actions to get this CANCELLED. 

3. NEXT STEP - submit a request to the VENDOR TO CANCEL ORDER or RMA if the order actually shipped and we simply didn't get the correct tracking information on time. 

4. PREPARE THE ORDER FOR CANCELLATION - Set a Return Stamp in CRM by going to "My Order" enter the ORD# & ZIP CODE - Reason "Item Pending Shipment, Cx no longer wants order, Cancel Requested"

5. CONFIRM to the customer however please ESCALATE this to Marketplace Manager Escalations via Slack to ensure  that a Manager can expedite the processing of a Refund to the customer.

6. IF THE ORDER SHIPPED - there maybe a slight chance this shipped, please obtain the tracking/ship info and request the vendor process an RTV and RMA Request so that we can prepare the order for return. SEE CANCEL REQUEST PROCESS.

Tracking but no Movement - CANCEL REQ TO VENDOR


PO# : < Insert PO >

We received a Tracking ID# for this order, however there are NO signs of movement or progress and the original ESD has passed and this order is considered late. Please CANCEL this order as we must refund the customer due to impending chargeback for the non-fulfillment error that occurred. If this has shipped and we received inaccurate or obsolete tracking information please provide the tracking. Otherwise if the order has not shipped we request that you please CANCEL & REMIT CREDIT to Autoplicity immediately so that we may resolve this with our customer. Tracking below:

< Insert Tracking ID URL from carrier website >

Thank you for your assistance and please reply to confirm our request.


Hello <name>,

Thank you for contacting us and please accept our apologies for the unexpected delay with your order and any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. We received your request and are looking into the reason for your delay and will attempt to CANCEL & REFUND you immediately once confirmed. Thank you for your patience, it shouldn't take too long but I do have to send this over to our shipping/fulfillment team for confirmation. Please note that it may take at least 24-48 hours but as soon as it is confirmed, we'll refund you right away. If for some reason the order may have shipped, we'll be happy to provide you with free shipping return labels to return this back for a refund.




Hello <name>,

Thank you for contacting us and please accept our apologies for the unexpected delay with your order and inconvenience this has caused. We apologize as it appears your order may have been impacted by an unexpected delay and was not shipped as we intended, I've escalated this matter to our Shipping & Fulfillment Team to investigate the delay and requested an immediate CANCELLATION & REFUND you in full due to the unexpected delay as we do not have any concrete information as to when this should ship. The refund has been processed and should reflect onto your statement or original payment method within 3-5 business days.

ITEM PENDING SHIPMENT - VENDOR REQUEST for status, request cancel, RMA approval, RTS if available

Hello Vendor Partner,

This order was submitted but we have no record of TRACKING and the order is PENDING PROCESSING. We have received a request to cancel this order but it is too late as the order has already shipped with the carrier. We kindly ask that you please assist us with a status update on the order.

IF IT HAS NOT SHIPPED - please CANCEL this order and remit credit to Autoplicity

IF IT SHIPPED - please provide us with tracking information and approve RMA for a likely return needed. 

While we understand that the chances are narrow, We ask that you please contact the carrier and have this returned to sender as you are the shipper of origin. We also ask that you please approve our RMA request so that we can have labels generated for our customer in the likeliness that the RTS cannot be done and the customer will need to return the goods. Please advise and thank you.


Thank you,
